If you would like to donate online to help fund Saint Bartholomew's Anglican Church, you can do so using the link below.
We can accept donations online up to $9,999. For larger amounts, please contact Ann Green at the address below.
It will open a new page operated by Panorama's MyGiving.net - where you will be able to donate to our US Charitable Foundation, The Friends of St Bartholomew's Anglican Church, a 501(c)3 Foundation.
For US residents, donations are tax effecient.
For non-US residents, you may still donate online using this link, but please note the amount will be charged to your credit card in US dollars.
Or you can donate by sending a check to:
The Friends of St Bartholomew’s Anglican Church
106 West River Road, Rumson, NJ 07760
Tel: +1 (732) 741 1500
Email: anncwgreen@gmail.com
Thank you for donating and helping make our Church continue to grow.