Wednesdays at 7pm in the Church Centre
The Meditation Group is open to everyone, regardless of the religious tradition which you come from. The meditation is led in English and French each week, to make it accessible to as many people as possible - and whether you regularly practise meditation or are new to meditation, you will be made to feel welcome.
As well as offering an atmosphere truly conducive to meditation for those who want to practise this form of worship and/or relaxation, the Group also aims to help beginners and experts alike:
- to calm their busy minds
- to become more conscious in their daily lives
- to gain more insight into who they really are
- to experience the divine
Meditation has long been recognised as a means of heightening spiritual awareness and instilling calm in one’s life. It is practised by almost all world religions, including Christianity. The word meditation comes from the Latin word meditari, which has a range of meanings including to reflect, to study and to think.
Meditation can be considered similar to prayer, during which time one can reflect in inner silence upon the words of God or simply a higher presence. It can involve focusing on specific ideas, such as a spiritual reading or someone’s thoughts or images; and then allowing it to penetrate into our being, as we become more silent and in a state of 'loving listening'.
The Meditation Group does not focus on one tradition of mediation, but rather embraces all. Each week a theme is presented in a darkened, candlelit space, with the participants seated in a circle of spirituality. You are then invited to meditate in silence on that week’s theme. The sessions usually ends with some meditative music or bells - and everyone leaves quietly, taking with them an uplifted soul.